Get to know 7 herbal remedies that disciples of Klarine who are hair lovers should know


Get to know 7 herbal remedies that disciples of Klarine who are hair lovers should know

Get to know 7 herbal remedies that disciples of Klarine who are hair lovers should know

Kaffir lime

  • Kaffir lime fruit
    Kaffir lime juice has an acidic effect, helping to break down fats and wash off impurities that stick to the hair and scalp well. (But should not use kaffir lime juice directly on the hair because it will make the hair become brittle easily because the kaffir lime juice is quite acid with a pH of about 3.5)

  • Kaffir lime skin 
    oil from the bark of the kaffir lime fruit is fragrant and nourish the hair to be shiny.
  • Carambola fruit
    Water from the carambola fruit is acidic (quite high, pH 2.5-3). It helps to break down fats and wash off the dirt that adheres to the hair and scalp well. When mixed with water, dilute it into the hair shampoo to help relieve the itchy scalp so good (But should not use the carambola shalom directly on the hair as well)


  • Soapberry fruit
    The water extracted from Soapberry fruit has anti-dandruff properties and is able to treat fungal and scalp symptoms. But the user must be careful not to get into the eyes because it is very pungent.
Butterfly pea
  • Butterfly pea flower
    The water extracted from butterfly pea flower will stimulate blood circulation. It should be marinated on hair 15 minutes before washing or mixed with shampoo. When used regularly, it will strengthen the hair roots and the hair will not fall out easily.
Lemon grass
  • Lemon grass
    The water extracted from the lemongrass tree when used to ferment hair before shampooing or mixed with shampoo and used regularly will help relieve split ends of hair, reduce dandruff and relieve itching.
Aloe Vera
  • Aloe Vera leaves
    When using the clear jelly from aloe vera leaves to ferment your hair before shampooing or mixed with shampoo and used regularly, it will help to soften hair, easy to comb and to help heal wounds on the scalp.
Fa Thalai Chon
  • Fa Thalai Chon Tree
    The water extracted from the Fa Thalai Chon Tree (leaf, tree, hatch) There are wrinkled substances, also the growth of mold and some bacteria. When used to ferment hair before shampooing or mixed with shampoo and uses regularly that will reduce hair loss easily.
Anyone who has hair loss problems, if using herbs that do not work. Must try KLARINE that will reveal clearer results on hair than herbs. The real story about stimulating the real hair roots after taking.

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