5 natural hair fermentation recipes that revitalize the hair so well.


5 natural hair fermentation recipes that revitalize the hair so well.

5 natural hair fermentation recipes that revitalize the hair so well.

  • Egg marinade recipe
    Chicken eggs are rich in vitamins A, B, E, as well as essential nutrients for hair, such as lecithin, biotin, and fatty acids. Can deal with bad hair problems.
  • Hair fermentation with coconut oil recipe
    Cold pressed coconut oil with high vitamin E is the ultimate antioxidant oil to strengthen hair roots, not easy to fall off, accelerates hair growth, helps to moisturize the hair and scalp, reduce itching, dry hair, frizzy, split ends when used regularly regularly
  • Hair fermentation with avocado recipe
    Avocados are rich in vitamins, vitamin A, D and E, as well as minerals such as potassium, sulfur and natural oils that allow our hair to be deeply nourished. It also helps to repair damaged hair to return shiny, healthy.
  • Fermentation with kaffir lime juice recipe
    The citric acid in bergamot juice helps to wash away stains and nourish the hair well, making the hair shiny black only. But also helps to get rid of dandruff, itchy scalp, split ends, prevent hair loss and slow gray hair.
  • Hair marinade with olive oil recipe.
    Olive oil consists of unsaturated fatty acids, protein, vitamin A, vitamin E that add moisture to the hair causing hair to have the full weight.
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